
We Cover your

Warranty Registration / Extension

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Fill in your basic details and verify your phone number via OTP.
Tell us about your product purchase by filling in the required information.
Upload an image of your purchase invoice for the same product.

Please tell us a bit about yourself

Please Enter Full name

Please Enter vaild Email
Please Enter 10 digit
Please enter valid Mobile Number

Thank you for purchasing a beatXP product

Enter OTP to verify your mobile number Change Number
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Product Details

Please tell us a bit about your purchase

Please select from where your purchased
Please select your Product Category
Please select your Product
Please select your puchase date
Please enter your Order ID or Invoice Number
  • Order ID can be found on your product’s invoice or the details section of your product’s order page.

Upload Invoice *

  • Please click a clear sharp image of your invoice in good lighting
Please upload your invoice
Please follow these instructions for extending your warranty :
  • Mark the checkbox to be applicable for warranty extension.
  • Write a review of the product on the platform you have purchased it from (in case of any confusion regarding the process, please drop a message at the customer support number).
  • Take a screenshot of the successful rating.
  • Upload the screenshot below and submit the form.
Please enter your query

Upload Screenshot

Please upload your review images
thankyou THANK YOU

We have received your product’s warranty registration request. You will receive a confirmation regarding your request submission through SMS and E-Mail. Our Customer Support team will verify it within the next 48 hours and provide you a confirmation regarding the same.

We have received your product query. Please wait for 48 hours while our customer support team review your request and prepares a proper resolution for the same. You will receive a call regarding the same within the next 48 hours.

We appreciate you for choosing beatXP. Here is a coupon code of Rs. 500 that you can avail on the beatXP website on a cart value of Rs. 5000 or above. Offer can be applied on all orders except smartwatches.


beatXP Support: 1860 3000 3434